Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The US Ikea Catalogue for 2012 is out!! I don't know when it was out, but I just stumbled upon it while browsing for furniture. My mind is currently on "furnish Kingston apartment" mode. I'm looking for the cheapest, easiest stuff. Mostly I'm going to use stuff from home, with additions from Ikea and Wal Mart. I have yet to decide what is a necessity, what is just useful, and what is simply for aesthetic reasons. I'm on a student budget here! I wish I had the money to decorate to my heart's desire.

I can't wait to get the 2012 Canadian Catalogue! I love mail! I love catalogues! I love Ikea!

Anyway, I got some cool ideas from the Ikea catalogue for both functionality and decorative use. I already have a few items from Ikea, but might just dash back again to buy some more small items (hooks, hangers, and the like). All my decorations are going to be hand-made, or from Dollarama (boxes, bowls, jars, etc). I will make a Michael's and Dollarama trip soon. Dollarama trip will probably wait until I am in Kingston, and have furniture. It seems silly to decorate when the apartment is still lacking furniture.

I just flipped through the 2011 Ikea catalogue from various different countries to see if they were any different, but the images are more or less the same with a few variations in wording. It is just too funny!

aus: where you make memories
uk: where you make happy memories
aus: where life happens
uk: where life revolves around you
aus: where you dream
uk: where you love to dream
aus: where you keep that essay you wrote in 5th grade
uk: where you keep that stuff you can't bear to part with
aus: where you can be yourself
uk: where you can just be yourself

I have decided that the British are more creative, whereas the Aussies like their simplicity.

Another really amusing thing I found on the Ikea site was this: The Ikea e-Folder set where you can organize your desktop using Ikea furniture. Hahaha!

There is a GIANT Ikea near my house being built right now. It is to be the biggest Ikea in Canada.. maybe even North America? I'm kind of excited for it to open. It'll be like a mall on its own, or an amusement park of sorts. It will certainly give people an excuse to grab some food to eat after an exhausting trip through Ikea though!

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