Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Inspiring Photos

I wouldn't say they are all inspiring. Some are just really cute, but the site I found them on has a lot of photos with inspiring words. It's an interesting site, I really like it! I have always liked quotes, and when I was younger I read the series The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes, and would wish that I had cool quote calendars like she did. I never did get one, but reading inspirational quotes has remained an interest of mine.

Anyway, onto the pictures I found..

Confused me at first, but it's really quite clever. I like it!

If I'm at a loss of things to write, this may just be my grad writeup in my high school yearbook next year!

Haha, guilty as charged. In fact, I am currently in the process of rereading the Harry Potter series. Reading real books is a good feeling, it makes me feel accomplished. And it makes you smarter, or so they say. But I believe them, whoever they are.

D'aww. What can I say, that's just cute.

All of these are from the site i can read. link. Enjoy!

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