Friday, August 08, 2014

summer highlights.

I haven't blogged my summer at all, so here are some highlights from this summer! As told by my phone's camera roll - no photo, no memory of it! Jk. But I am a lazy photographer.

Got a new Magic Bullet at home, and my family loves it. Having a ball making our first smoothies together, hahaha.

Tried the new ramen place in Chinatown (Ginza) and it's really really yummy.

Click through for more photos!

Went to my cousin's baby shower! This was the first time I ever shopped for baby things.. they are very tiny.

The baby shower was mad hatter tea party themed. I want to be friends with her friends! I like how crafty they are.

I went to IKEA enough times to take a picture of their specials. It's my new go-to meetup spot. Cheap food, and lots of nooks and crannies around the showroom to cozy up in and chat with friends.

Sat in the control booth during Health Canada's Dragons Den event, where employees pitched innovative ideas to a panel of senior executives. I lined up powerpoint presentations.. but I got to wear a headset!! Woooo!

I backed up off my driveway and hit a parked car. I am an awful driver. This was a definite low point in my summer :(

I unstuffed and restuffed my brother's beloved teddy bear. I also learned to sew an invisible stitch (not pictured, obviously, since those stitches are very much visible haha)! I am very proud of my new sewing skills. Sorry, not sure why I didn't take a picture of the finished product, haha..

Played drive-in bingo in Carp with some friends. It's so much fun and not as old-lady-like as you may think!! Okay, so it is, but it's still a lot of fun..

Went hiking with the family in Gatineau Park, and accidentally matched my brother. It was a fun hike, but I came out with 8 more mosquito bites than I needed.

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